Continuing his remarkable string of billfish-release records, Capt. Brad Philipps is being recognized by The Billfish Foundation as 2016’s Top Overall Release Captain and the Top Pacific Sailfish Release Captain (which he’s won 16 of the past 17 years).
The Guatemala skipper has released more billfish — more than 30,000 to date — than any other captain anywhere.
Philipps cites the past year as another banner season. From his 40-foot Gamefisherman, Decisive, “We released 3,713 billfish in 2016. Our Guatemala fishery just gets better and better; there’s simply no place like it!” he says.

Philipps also fishes Cape Verde for marlin, in June and July. He released 42 blues aboard the 43-foot G&S Hooker in 2016, with his best day seeing seven blues to more than 800 pounds released from 10 bites.
For more information, visit Guatemalan Billfishing Adventures.