Fishing Tips

Check out our saltwater fishing tips, techniques, boating tips, and how-to videos from the top experts in sport fishing.


Fishing is a pastime that anyone can enjoy. But the more you fish, the better angler you become and the more fish you’ll likely catch. So it pays to be a better angler. One option is to fish as much as possible, experiencing different fishing conditions and learning along the way. But not everyone can fish weekly or even monthly. To shorten the learning curve, our fishing tips will prepare you for almost any situation and will provide insight into a variety of fishing techniques.

Saltwater Game Fish

Many anglers prefer to target specific species, and so they plan their tackle and techniques based around that one fish. Whether your favorite species is tarpon, redfish, mahi or any other popular game fish, Sport Fishing has it covered. 


Fishing Knots

Fishing knots can be as simple or complex as you want them to be. To get out fishing, you really only need to use a few knots to be successful. So try to master the knots you’ll use the most, and expand your fishing knot knowledge when necessary. Maybe you want to tie your braided line directly to a fluorocarbon leader? A double-uni knot, improved Albright knot, FG knot or PR knot all do the job — it’s up to you to figure out which knot works best for your situation.