biggest tuna
The waiting is over. A huge yellowfin reported last week from the long-range boat Excel while off southern Baja on a 16-day trip was weighed in Sunday morning when the vessel returned to San Diego.
The dock scale showed it to be 445 pounds, according to a report by Pete Thomas.
The angler, John Petruescu, was on his first long-range trip.
There will be no suspense regarding a possible new all-tackle world record, however, since as is so often necessary on these big boats, a deckhand helped maneuver Petruescu’s rod around the bow anchor line. No one at that moment had any idea how enormous the yellowfin would prove to be, but International Game Fish Association rules clearly prohibit anyone but the angler from touching the rod at any time during a fight.
But world record or not, the huge yellowfin is the largest ever caught by an angler on rod and reel.