Kenneth Wright
I came across an interesting Q-and-A article today in the Gasparilla Gazette with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s new chairman, Kenneth Wright.
Wright, a resident of Winter Park, Florida, and a 5-year FWC commissioner who recently was elected to serve a one-year term as chairman, addressed several questions from the Gazette, noting that his two primary objectives as chair were to promote the state’s Florida Youth Conservation Network, as well as strengthen the state’s hatchery networks.
He also was asked about the tarpon controversy that has been brewing over the last couple years in Boca Grande Pass. Wright was aware of the issue and suggested it would be taken up in September. He also noted that a tarpon summit might be held that would bring together “representatives of the tarpon guides, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, as well as Professional Tarpon Tournament Series and get as many of those parties together to get the facts on the table.”
Perhaps Wright’s most interesting comment, however, came when asked by reporter Terry O’Connor, “What action might be taken?” in regards to the controversy.
“I’m looking into advancing a protective sportsfish category designation that would include marlin, sailfish, bonefish and tarpon,” he replied.
To read the complete Q-and-A session, click here.
Mike Mazur
Senior Editor, Sport Fishing magazine