With no hint of its presence in the flat-calm Pacific a half-mile or so off Australia’s Evans Head, north of Sydney, a great white shark nearly 500 pounds launched itself right into the small cockpit of Terry Selwood’s 15-foot outboard boat, this past weekend.

The big shark came flying into the boat, smashing into the 73-year-old angler, fishing solo, and sending him sprawling onto the cockpit floor. Though he feared the shark’s pectoral fin had broken his arm, Selwood scrambled onto a gunwale as the frantic monster thrashed wildly, breaking gear.He then managed to reach Marine Rescue New South Wales, which initially expressed disbelief in his report. But when a Marine Rescue boat reached Selwood, they found the shark taking up most of the boat, and removed the bleeding fisherman.

Selwood has been treated and released. In an interview with Australia Broadcasting, Selwood described the incident as a “one-in-a-million shot” and said he’s anxious to get back on the water.