Ascension Island
Shell Shaping popper saltywatertackle.com
Arguably no angler is more passionate about popping and jigging than is Sami Ghandour, an enthusiast who started Salty Water Tackle, based in Sayreville, New Jersey. The shop, which does a large mail-order business, not surprisingly specializes in popping and jigging lures, rods, reels and other gear. Its customers know that Ghandour can offer informed advice to help them make choices; his blogs from adventures all over the world reinforce that experience-based opinion. From a few of those trips to many of the planet’s best popping and jigging waters, Ghandour here shares 20 impressive images, among them catches that most of us would consider spectacular, and even more so on spinning gear. Ghandour has led many anglers on his adventures to amazing catches, which gives Ghandour “the ultimate satisfaction watching their dreams become reality.”

Yellowfin tuna
Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama saltywatertackle.com

Socotra Island, between Yemen and Ethiopia
Unidentified stickbait saltywatertackle.com

Raivavae, French Polynesia saltywatertackle.com

Tanzania Unidentified jig Mady Alexiou

Southern Oman
CB One stickbait saltywatertackle.com

Tahanea Atoll, French Polynesia
Hot’s Drift Tune jig saltywatertackle.com

Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama
Amergari stickbait saltywatertackle.com

Between New Caledonia and Chesterfield Island
Trolling saltywatertackle.com

On the bluefin grounds off Cape Cod, Massachusetts saltywatertackle.com

New York
Nikita Ghandour with guide John McMurray saltywatertackle.com

Belep Island, New Caledonia
Hot’s Drift Tune jig saltywatertackle.com

Unidentified jig saltywatertackle.com

Unidentified jigs saltywatertackle.com

Diego Suarez, Madagascar saltywatertackle.com

Raivavae, French Polynesia
Unidentified jig saltywatertackle.com

Raivavae, French Polynesia
Unidentified lure saltywatertackle.com

Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama
CB One G2 jig saltywatertackle.com

Unidentified jig saltywatertackle.com